Frequently Asked Questions | FAQ

If you do not see the answer to your question below, or have a specific request, please see our contact page.

What is the Hoosier Heartland Trolley Company?

The Hoosier Heartland Trolley Co. was founded in 2018 as an Indiana nonprofit, 501(c)(3) corporation to save the last remaining cars representing Indiana’s storied electric railway heritage.

What is the organization’s mission?

Hoosier Heartland Trolley Co. exists to spark imagination in people of all ages by bringing all walks of life together to experience the art, science, culture, technology and economic empowerment of Indiana’s world-renowned electric railway industry from the 20th century.

What is the organization’s vision?

Hoosier Heartland Trolley Co. is energizing small town America by developing an electric heritage railroad to tell the story of Indiana’s development through the lens of the everyday Hoosiers who made it a reality. This will be an immersive experience set within the context of an existing, everyday Indiana town as a community-based, historic asset - creating opportunity as the electric railways themselves once did.

Where will you be located?

HHTC leadership is currently identifying a suitable site within Indiana. Our goal is to secure a public site and announce our site plan by 2023.

What does the organization believe in regards to its role within the community?

Please see our core values to learn how we view our role to serve and enrich our communities.

What is the organization looking to accomplish?

HHTC is developing the state’s only electric heritage railroad in the form of an immersive, outdoor museum operating historic, electric trains in their original setting and appearance. This will be a community-based museum that features educational exhibits to supplement the train ride experience - allowing Hoosiers and tourists to learn how this innovative form of transportation transformed and developed Indiana through one of the largest electric railway networks in the world.

See our current strategic plan and goals to realize such an asset.

What is an interurban or a streetcar?

For an explanation of the electric railway that was commonplace in Indiana nearly a century ago, please explore our trolley collection page.

How can I volunteer?

Volunteers ages 16 and up are welcomed and encouraged. For more information about volunteer opportunities and how to get involved, please see our volunteer page and fill out a volunteer application.

How can I stay connected?

We encourage community members, railroad enthusiasts, and history buffs to follow our social media channels and subscribe to our email list. We also encourage all interested parties to periodically check our website and our Live Wire Blog where announcements and updates will be posted. Memberships are a great way to receive behind-the-scenes video updates and receive our quarterly Live Wire e-newsletter.

How can I support HHTC?

We invite you to volunteer your time, become a member, shop our Company Store, and share our work with colleagues, family, and friends. Explore our events page to attend one of our fundraising events or find us in-person at community events.

Please see our giving page to learn how you can support our mission through financial, in-kind, or corporate giving. We also participate in nonprofit programs such as Amazon Smile. Contributions to our 501(c)(3) organization are tax-deductible in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code.

Where are the railway cars and how can I see them?

HHTC has leased a private storage site near Indianapolis for its electric railway cars and restoration projects. Due to security and a volunteer staff, we do not offer tours at this time. We are currently exploring means to offer guided tours for the organization’s supporters and benefactors. When the time is right, we will communicate with the aforementioned parties. Become a member or Legacy Donor to be invited to our open house.

How do I send you mail?

To mail a contribution or letter, please see our contact page to find our PO Box address.

I believe I have a historic artifact that pertains to your mission and would like to donate it. What is the process?

In accordance with museum ethics and standards, HHTC’s Collections Committee manages our collection following a collections management policy. Guidelines exist for what we can and cannot accept. We welcome all inquiries and outline this process on our in-kind giving page alongside artifacts of interest.

Can I rent your trolleys for my event? Can they come to my location?

The Company does not have an open, public museum at this time. The equipment is large, heavy, and expensive to transport. These are real train cars that travel on tracks, and thus cannot travel on roadways like a bus.